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Research Thank you for your interest in my research. You can download papers by clicking on their titles (pdf files).
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS "The Costs of a (Nearly) Fully Independent Board," Journal of Empirical Finance, 32 (2015), 49-62. "Do Better-Connected CEOs Innovate More?" with Tunde Kovacs and Anand Venkateswaran, Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis, 49 (2014), 1201-1225. "The Determinants and Effects of CEO - Employee Pay Ratios," with Ebru Reis and Anand Venkateswaran, Journal of Banking & Finance, 37 (2013), 3258-3272. "The Trouble with Too Much Board Oversight," with Rani Hoitash and Udi Hoitash, MIT Sloan Management Review, 54 (2013), 53-56. "Labor-friendly Corporate Policies: Is What is Good for Employees Good for Shareholders?" with Emery Trahan, Journal of Business Ethics, 101 (2011), 1-27. "The Costs of Intense Board Monitoring," with Rani Hoitash and Udi Hoitash, Journal of Financial Economics, 101 (2011), 160-181. "CEO Directors, Executive Incentives, and Corporate Strategic Initiatives," Journal of Financial Research, 34 (2011), 241-277. "Classified Boards, Stability, and Strategic Risk-taking," Financial Analysts Journal 65 (2009), 54-65. "Classified Boards, Firm Value, and Managerial Entrenchment," Journal of Financial Economics, 83 (2007), 501-529. "Does One Hat Fit All? The Case of Corporate Leadership Structure," Journal of Management & Governance, 11 (2007), 239-259. "When Labor has a Voice in Corporate Governance," with Vikas Mehrotra and Randall Morck, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 41 (2006), 489-510. "Excessive Corporate Cash Holdings," Corporate Finance Review, 9 (2004), 5-15. "Cash and Corporate Control," Journal of Finance, 59 (2004), 2041-2060. WORKING PAPERS & WORK IN PROGRESS "Industry Expertise on Corporate Boards," with Rani Hoitash and Udi Hoitash. "Are Entrepreneurs Special? Evidence from Board Appointments," with Wilson Kung, Jerry Parwada, and Gloria Tian. "Risky Lending: Does Bank Corporate Governance Matter?" with Karthik Krishnan.
Oversight Comes at a
BizEd - AACSB Magazine, Jan/Feb, 2011.
Cost of Board Oversight.”
Compliance Week, Nov. 15, 2010.
“Examining Classified Boards.”
Management Review 49, Fall 2007, p.
“Limited Board May Face Yearly Elections.”
Columbus Dispatch, May 18, 2007. “When
Labor Has a Voice in Corporate Governance”
Digest 37, Feb. 2007, pp. 15-17. “Is Employee Ownership Counterproductive?” Sloan Management Review 46, Summer 2005, 8-9.
“Today in Finance,”
CFO.com, Oct.
15, 2004. |